Ricardo Pérez-Hita IN RESiDENCE at the School Verdaguer

A never-ending conversation

“A never-ending conversation” took the form of a series of pieces that were activated on the day of their presentation to the public: a piece of music to be listened to during the journey from INS Verdaguer to El Born CCM, a placard made with photocopies accompanied by four photographs of the group holding it, a publication about an internal session where they expressed their knowledge in a group, a fanzine about a visit to an exhibition, a video of a demolition and some events at Pou de la Figuera, some posters based on an archive project and a performance about the postal dialogue with oneself.

The work was carried out within the limits of art which has allowed less predictable forms to be created by them. The work covered the poor condition of the educational institutions, but also the importance of education and the possibilities it offers. The work covered the transformations of the neighbourhood, the agents that work towards the sustainability of their communities, their diversity, which is also the diversity found within the classroom. Lastly, the work covered memory, the past and future, their own and also that of the neighbourhood and the city.

Keywords: education, neighbourhood, memory, community.