Pía Sommer IN RESiDENCE at the School Sants

What do we have at our feet? At our sides? What do we see? What do we feel and how do we represent this?

These are the questions that will guide us at the beginning and in the development of an artistic process in which poetry can be found concealed in our immediate surroundings. The idea is to introduce ourselves to the poetic dimension of things, from writing, travelling, games, visual and sound representation. The objective is to learn to situate ourselves in space and extract hidden or invisible materials from it.

Frottage and soundscape are presented as the two translation techniques which we will use during the whole course within the School’s space, the National Art Museum of Catalonia and the route between the two buildings. We will have a travel book or log, containing ways of doing things such as the classification of a land file, the creation of a collection of sounds or the construction of a sample of textures and objects used in the frottage rubbings.

The purpose is to work as a group, having an interchange of experiences and knowledge, and it is also a personal experience to open the students’ horizons to learn about old and new artistic practices applied to the current era, the ways of carrying out the process, the registration and assembly of a piece of work.