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Oriol Morales i Pujolar IN RESiDENCE at the School Barri Besòs

Oriol Morales i Pujolar (Figueres, 1990)
Oriol Morales i Pujolar trained in stage direction and dramaturgy at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, where he is a graduate, and at the Sala Beckett. Previously, he had trained in text interpretation, having completed a study programme at the Col·legi de Teatre. He is a professional playwright, stage director and teacher in theatre writing and acting.
As a creator, he has written and directed his own plays Com destruir una casa (Festival Temporada Alta/Sala La Planeta); Articulado ligero (Teatre Tantarantana); Bruels, winner of the Adrià Gual Award (Teatre Lliure/Festival Grec) and Granotes (La Pedrera/Festival TNT/Sala Beckett).
He has worked for companies such as Unter den Linden (directing Aprendre a nedar, by Sasha Marianna Salzmann, and Amor. Un exercicic argumentatiu, by Sivan ben Yishai, both premiered at the Teatre Tantarantana), La Llarga (company for which he wrote the text Llançament, which won the Sala Sandaru Award and was premiered at Sala La Planeta) and Agitart (company with which he collaborated in the dramaturgy of the dance show Dust, directed by Roger Fernández and premiered at The Place, London).
He also wrote the texts Port llevant (Torneig de dramatúrgia del Festival Temporada Alta); Lume (text that won a writing grant from the Sala Beckett); A la vall (text that won the Carlota Soldevila creation grant awarded by the Teatre Lliure) and Com es moren els ocells (text that won the Carme Montoriol writing grant from the Ajuntament de Barcelona).
He was assistant director to Helena Tornero in Kalimat and El Futur, both of which premiered at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, and to Julio Wallovits in Argentinamiento, which premiered at the Sala Beckett.
From 2016 to 2021 he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine (Pausa.), linked to the Sala Beckett. He has worked in the publishing sector with Editorial Vicens Vives and Enciclopèdia Catalana.
Presentation updated in September 2023
School Barri Besòs
http://agora.xtec.cat/iesbarribesos/This is the eighth consecutive time that the Institut Barri Besòs (el Besòs and el Maresme, Sant Martí) has taken part in EN RESiDÈNCiA, with a group of students in the fourth year of ESO. It has previously participated in the programme with the residencies of La Calòrica, Mariona Naudín, Andrés Waksman, nyam-nyam, Viviane Calvitti, Emília Gutiérrez Epstein and Oriol Puig Grau.
The Institut Barri Besòs has been gradually built up since 1977, with the joint work of parents, teachers, pupils, neighbours, administrations, organisations and institutions. This collaboration has given rise to a public educational centre rooted in the social environment where it is located, open to the neighbourhoods it serves, with a democratic and participatory functioning, which has sought to implement a quality educational approach which is sensitive to the compensatory treatment of social inequalities, and which seeks to promote scientific and technological education and the values of humanistic culture.
Presentation updated in September 2023
4th ESO students
Jordi Sánchez
Committee and coordination
Mediation: Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia
Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona