Marta Galán IN RESiDENCE at the School Josep Pla

In Mà d’obra [Workforce]

In Mà d’obra [Workforce]: symbolic disappearance of 12 workers and their manufacturing objects
Performance and sculptural installation Planchas de Hierro and wax molds

In Mà d’obra [Workforce], Galan documents and studies the forms of work that converge in the neighbourhood to produce the poetic transmigration of the paid workforce into artistic practices or art objects. The project revolves around two complementary ideas: firstly, a video documentation work on economic theory and work theory; and, secondly, the design of a dramatic artefact or installation that illustrates the processes and issues considered.

The first stage in the project is devoted to cataloguing and archiving different forms of work, focusing on the waste they generate. We are interested in the peculiarities of this waste as surplus, detritus, never as anything reusable or that allows for recycling. A second stage is aimed at extending and opening up the process to the neighbourhood through collaborative educational and artistic practices. Finally, in the last stage, devoted to materialisation, the research will take the form of a visual and sound installation in an action featuring the people who take part in the research and learning processes.

Public action in the Youth Space Las Balsas
On June 10 action takes place: Simbolic disappearance of 12 workers and objects made with the participation of all persons involved.
Start: Reading the reflections on economic theory and work.
Presentation 12 workers: labor situation and photography.
Symbolic destruction by the intervention of Nico Spinosa:
A metal plate on the wax objects made from molds of the hands of workers melt.
Replacing your photography by workspace occupying, empty, so his absence is present.