Marc Vives IN RESiDENCE at the School Moisès Broggi

Starting point

We start with some installations such as those of the school, with classrooms, auditoriums, workshops, corridors, playgrounds, etc. Some spaces that are already designed and that condition the use by some people who have not taken part in their design. Students above all, but also teachers and mothers enjoy the space in some way different to that considered. It is even probable that they end up modifying their definition and practice.

The school is one, but we are surrounded by other institutions with their protocols: government spaces, universities, museums and, why not, the family or the street. For them, the adolescent is an inadequate body, and embodies everything that does not fit, the liminal.

Day to day life can be full of harshness and boredom, and the old rituals for escaping the space-time are just replaced by consumer platforms that mediate our desire, such as Netflix or TikTok.


Conquer, appropriate, seize an institution such as the school. Install a vibration in the school. It can be anything from a wedge in a crack, a song that plays at beak time, a bell that rings every full moon, or a ritual that is held with an uncontrollable frequency.

What we leave in the space must be invocable and must be able to appear with no restrictions when it is called, which enables us to escape to that other world. A murmur that awakens to redefine the physical, symbolic or even energetic limits of the institution. To do this we can try to capture prior presences, act as mediums of what there is or was to redraw a new fluidic space. Make the space talk. “Call and response”.

An experience is suggested which, through our voices, bodies and its liturgies and technologies we install a vibration in the centre for the future.


The experience will be motivated almost exclusively by the question: Can we install a permanent vibration in the school? Could there always be an open wound?

I would like to force bewilderment to the max and develop a certain logic based on their interests and abilities. Make a clean sweep and construct the tools to interpret the environment, as legends do.

Although the aim is to give the wheel to the students, and we are going to sail through waters that will be chosen and negotiated, a repertoire of practices, exercises pre-exists that can help catalyse some decisions.

We are going to investigate the space from all directions, perceiving the qualities, features and history of the place. We will tense the notions of trust between one and the other. We will eventually park all traces of speech. We will make noise with elements that we have to hand, we will use our voice, we will sing. We will also go out of the classroom to gain distance, to see things from outside. Each activity requires preparation, warming up, as when doing any sport.