Cristina Celada IN RESiDENCE at the School Martí Pous

THE FUTURE, construction laboratories of better worlds

The arrival - What do we find?

A secondary school is a building with architecture that has implicit rules. They are not written rules, there is no need, custom means that within those walls we behave in a specific way, different from the street, home or the park.

Is it possible for there to be an exchange between art/expression and education between walls that have already signed up to some rules?

There appears an interesting challenge...

The stay – Intervention proposal

This meeting proposal is articulated around some questions: How do you imagine human life on Earth in 100 years? How did you imagine life in the future when you were 10 years old? Has your relationship with the future changed? How would you like life to be in 100 years? What differences are there between your prediction and your wish? Are you able to imagine the end of neoliberalism, of the heteropatriarchy, of the idea of progress increasing to infinity?

There is a space that unfolds between imagination and desire, that is where I want to shine a light. On the other hand, I believe the future is necessarily a work of collective creation, I like the idea of being able to develop future in a workshop.

The wish - methodological notes

I intend to use all the strategies I work with on stage in these meetings: improvisation, appropriation of pre-existing materials, relationship with internet content, dubbing, etc.

The final objective of these meetings is imagination and subsequent production of better worlds, and, also:

  • Proposing the evocation of something you have not experienced, that you cannot remember, both backwards (past) and forwards (future). Relating memory with imagination, and putting this relationship on stage.
  • Privileging self-created text. Starting from the auto-biographical to generate fiction.
  • Working with collectives connected or not to performance arts with the intention of constructing diverse future stories, understanding future as a liveable and communal time/place.
  • Insisting in collective work, communal creation, humour as the core idea of this work.
  • Actively reflecting on the theatrical event, what is needed for it to be theatre?

We have a few months to provoke the world we know, to sow something that perhaps will grow and get bigger.