Angels Margarit IN RESiDENCE at the School Joan Coromines

Visual memory of a project IX

To understand the space not only as a place to inhabit or pass through, but also as an extension of one's own body and a place of infinite possibilities. With this goal in mind, Àngels Margarit organised a series of activities with a group of fourth-year ESO compulsory education pupils. Through the participation of these pupils in a series of specific exercises in different places at the school, the artist stressed the need to subvert the rules of space, the place. Within the educational context in which the project took shape, the playground became a kind of stage-cum-laboratory where new forms of inhabiting and, as Margarit describes it, “incorporising” spaces were discovered. During the course of the process, different ways of playing with empty and “non-habitable” spaces at the school.

As an extension of these activities, Àngels Margarit staged an action to “incorporise” the La Capella exhibition centre along with pupils from Institut Joan Coromines. The artist recorded a series of actions in which the pupils make the surfaces of the building their own, thereby transcending its purpose as an exhibition venue to create a metaspace inviting us to think about the body, the place and identity.