Mar 3
An open rehearsal with Sònia Gómez iN RESiDENCE at the Institut Escola Turó de Roquetes school
The educational centre links its first participation with iN RESiDENCE with the aim of placing performing arts as a common thread for the educational centre’s project.
It...Read more
Mar 1
Discovering one’s own identity through collage in the ‘contamination’ session led by Ileana Ortega iN RESiDENCE at the Institut Josep Comas i Solà secondary school
The activity has been carried out by the last students at the educational centre, which closes its doors at the end of the school year.
When...Read more
Mar 1
How to reflect on space and time through texts, drawings and dance at the ‘contamination’ session led by Cristina Celada, iN RESiDENCE at the Institut Martí Pous secondary school
The secondary school shares a space with other cultural and educational facilities in the Fabra i Coats factory and the neighbourhood, boosting the size of its artistic production....Read more
Feb 21
Auto-biouchronias: wolves, ravens, gorillas and a cat in the ‘contamination’ session with Matilde Amigo iN RESiDENCE at the Institut Salvador Espriu secondary school
The young artists at the school shared their artistic research through three activities with the participation of the teaching staff.
...Read more
Feb 21
Wandering around Montbau, an oral and photographic narrative: ‘contamination’ session with Jordi Lafon, iN RESiDENCE at the Institut Narcís Monturiol secondary school
The secondary school’s 4th-year students, who are participating in the programme for the fifth time this year, will create a publication with the results of their explorations....Read more