STA IN RESiDENCE at the School Narcís Monturiol

STA starts from a basic idea to build on and mount the rest of the elements. It often starts from a beat and bass line, or a beat and a simple chord. From here, we improvise, aiming to find colours, sensations, melodies and textures, until we gain a complete picture. Then we look for escape points, which is when the dub style comes into play.

STA understands the dub style in a broad sense, as a concept that can be applied not only to music, but to all artistic disciplines. The dub style is a way of emptying the piece, leaving it with minimal elements and then putting everything back in place. It gives the protagonism to elements that play a secondary role in the piece, expanding them to bring them to the foreground. Similarly, it also undresses the work, exposing all of the elements until it leaves just one, showing its inner parts. Dub style is a game. It involves having an attentive ear and creative listening. Dub style involves joining elements that you wouldn’t normally think about putting together. It is also includes using mistakes as a creative weapon. It approaches a form of collage that reconfigures the order you arrange the work to transform it into something else.

The basic idea of lining up the work is usually influenced by social aspects and the environment, such as a meeting in which music is shared, an excursion, a meal with friends, a walk or a concert. The idea can come from the whole group or from one of the members. It may prosper and quickly crystallise or remain in oblivion. It may not have much strength at the beginning, until an element appears that gives meaning to the whole piece.