Marilia Samper IN RESiDENCE at the School Sants

I would like to start this project covering the themes that interest the participants, their concerns and expectations, their look on the world and their experience; in other words, those aspects that I generally only know from the perspective of adults. I will do this through different stage languages and creation procedures, to extract the game and speech materials that should be the mainstays of the dramaturgy I will create, privileging their own universe. All of which with the objective of creating a show that will be the depiction of the generation they have had to live, of their adolescence, at one of the most critical moments, full of uncertainties, we have had so far this century.

So, in summary, I am interested in facing this experience as a research path with the group and the individuals that comprise it, starting from their personal universe, their own look, their creative voice and expressive abilities.