- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
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- 2nd EDITION 2010 / 2011
- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Maria Llop and Vanesa Varela IN RESiDENCE at the School Doctor Puigvert

Maria Llop
She was born in Barcelona (1981). She studied music at a professional level at Badalona Conservatory and Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. She graduated from the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts (Italy) and studied for a Masters in Artistic Development at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts (Germany).
Her artistic journey has passed through various stages and interests, taking her from the institutions and venues that are dedicated to the exhibition of artistic production to more collective venues that are critical of the way art is produced and communicated. She has taken part in various exhibitions at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts (2009), the Cervantes Institute (2009), the Trento and Rovereto School of International Studies (2007) and the NEON> CAMPOBASE gallery in Bologna (2007). In 2010, she took part in a residency at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
In late 2010, she returned to Barcelona and her interests changed: she gravitated towards diversity and feminism, where collective creative experience became the centre of attention and individual work became less important. This interest took her to heterogeneous venues where she came into daily contact with realities which made a deep impression on her. From that moment onwards, her artistic work was delimited by another context and has blossomed in relation to craftwork, education, art therapy and collective work. It is developed around concepts and concerns relating to collectivity, politics, greater awareness of social, emotional and identity aspects and the relevance of the singular reality of the system that determines who we are.
Therefore, in recent years, she has combined various collaborations. In the field of live education, she works creatively with children, in the Taller de l’Oli workshop she is working on a shoe-making project (La Planta del Peu or Sole of the Foot), and at the Banc Expropiat's Taller de Teler de Cintura she pays careful attention to internal movements and the experiences of opening-up offered by artistic processes.
Presentation updated in September 2019
Vanessa Varela
She was born in Lugo (1979), and graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Vigo. She moved to Barcelona in 2005, where she later studied for a Masters in artistic productions and research (2012).
Her curiosity about the various uses and contexts of artistic practices have led her to develop projects not only within the artistic institution, but also in other more heterogeneous contexts. From small-scale interventions in public places to creating works that are increasingly more collective and hybrid in nature, her interest has turned from the piece of art as an element that connects a wide range of concepts to an interest in creating meeting places as a pretext for coordinating co-narration work. These collaborative and collective learning forums have also led to concern about the material (and emotional) conditions in which artistic practices are produced or developed.
She has had exhibitions in the Joan Miró Foundation’s Espai 13 (2019), in Arts Santa Mònica (Ingràvid, 2014) and in the Sala d’Art Jove (2010). In parallel, she has taken part in a small publishing company that publishes art books, Ediciones Modelo (2010-12), and in the art and activism group Enmedio, with whom she developed ideas such as the “Cómo acabar con el Mal” [How to End Evil] sessions (2012). She has presented projects in artistic-production laboratories, such as Liminal GR and Habitació 1418 (Macba). In recent years, she has collaborated with the needlework group Niu d’Aranyes, the Grup de Mitja Subversiva and the Banc Expropiat's Taller de Teler de Cintura, where they collectively experiment with the narrative possibilities of textile practices from a feminist standpoint.
Presentation updated in September 2019
School Doctor Puigvert
www.insdrpuigvert.orgThis is the eighth edition of IN RESiDENCE that the Doctor Puigvert secondary school (Sant Andreu) has taken part in. Luis Bisbe, Jaume Ferrete, Francesc Ruiz, Luz Broto, Ana García-Pineda, Enric Farrés Duran and Max Besora have all undertaken residencies there. Once again, Doctor Puigvert is participating with a group of 1st year ESO students.
Doctor Puigvert School is very close to the Trinitat crossroads and the Besòs river. It opened in 1985, although the current building was not inaugurated until 1991-92. Its faculty agreed to name it Doctor Puigvert School after the urologist Antoni Puigvert (1905-1990), whose childhood was closely linked to Sant Andreu.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students of 1st of ESO
Rut Barrios Sesé, Clàudia Coll del Río , Claudia Domingo Álvarez, Edna García Arenas, Candela García Fuertes, Joana Jorba Stoessel, Lucía Labrador Vélez, Sara López de Casas, Érika López Gil, Hugo Montero Ramiro, Lizzy Murillo Madariaga, Ohiane Pizarro Rama, Anna Quinten, Daniel Rivilla Osle, Abril Rueda Rueda, Gisel•la Serra Brau, Natalia Torrubia Abad and Lucía Valtuille López
Mercè Gaja and Carol Vega
Curation and coordination
A Bao A Qu
Directed by
Institut de Cultura de Barcelona
Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona