Llàtzer Garcia IN RESiDENCE at the School L’Alzina

“Tusitala” Stage play

At the beginning of the project, the playwright and director Llàtzer Garcia, proposed to share the creation process of a stage play with the students. This was about getting them involved in the decision-making process so they could experience the whole process as their own. In addition, Llàtzer Garcia decided that, throughout the process, he would treat these teenagers like the actors he was used to working with, sharing with them at all times any doubts, uncertainties and impressions.

“Tusitala” means “The storyteller” and it is the name that the inhabitants of the island of Samoa gave Robert Louis Stevenson. And this is what the students at Institut Alzina have done this year: they have explained stories, those lived and those dreamed. Stories that tell of their concerns, their experiences and their future. We have spoken together about the stories, of their power to save, especially during the difficult times that we have been through or are going through. Ever present is the longing for adventure, the longing to escape, the longing to get to know the real or unreal world, the longing for an island, just as Stevenson longed for an island where he could find the peace that he was searching for. Or maybe it was treasure?

The final presentation of the project took place at the Sala de Baix at the Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia on 1 June.