Laia Estruch IN RESiDENCE at the School Juan Manuel Zafra

Playground Scene

Playground Scene

Performance on metal structure

Playground Scene is a choral performance designed for a specific space and structure. The performance explores the possibilities of travelling with the body through the structure and includes a text spoken aloud.The project begins with research and study of the play structures in various city parks, taking these as possible starting points, while also making these spaces for the pupils to experiment with performance. The design and the decision over the location of the structure (the school playground) gradually take shape through this experimentation and formal investigation that pupils and artist conduct together.Throughout this process, and as work focuses on different spaces, a systematic work of documentation and recording of the whole process is carried out as a key element to understand and contain the entire performative work.


The final presentation takes place in the playground Institut Juan Manuel Zafra secondary school at 6.30 pm on June 9. To perform their part in the intervention, Laia Estruch and the residency group emerge from the audience and head towards the structure. As they do, the pupils and artist recite, aloud, the texts created using the automatic writing technique.

At the end of the performance, the pupils, Laia Estruch and the teacher Sandra Gimeno describe the process, the experience of working on a performance and the learning they have shared.

The presentation was attended by fellow pupils, friends and family of members of the group, teachers at Institut Juan Manuel Zafra and other local schools, as well as representatives from ICUB and people linked to the world of culture.