Helena Tornero IN RESiDENCE at the School Vila de Gràcia


A series of activities were organised during the course of the residency involving several different theatres and companies:

29 October 2013 
Visit to Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia to learn about a small theatre from the inside.

18 March 2014 
Visit to the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya to learn about a large theatre from the inside.

25 March 2014 
Attendance of rehearsals of Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín's play El pes del plom, at the rehearsal studio of the company La Virgueria.

8 May 2014 
Attendance at a performance of Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín's play El pes del plom at the Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia.