Gerda Kochanska IN RESiDENCE at the School Doctor Puigvert

Gerda Kochanska is interested in the episodes of breaks in the flow of normality, those moments that occur when something unforeseen happens that reveals the presence of the cultural, political, social structure, etc., hidden under the norms of action and interaction that, without us realising it, guide our habits. From that point on, she chooses elements that are minimal biases that distort what is given and reveal a convention.

Her pieces are the result of the analysis of some moments of interruption, they are records of actions in which her body enables her to absorb the information they entail and in which a mere motor gesture is transformed into a relational gesture. She believes that each action is a decision and the process of materialising the decisions strengthens the visualisation of the connections and relationships between objects and concepts facilitating their comprehension.

Gerda proposes to open an experimentation process starting from observation of the students’ own context to find the small moments of interruption, small moments of inconvenience, to analyse and display their tiny elements with their relationships and establish the presence and role of the human factor.

The word inconvenience has a negative connotation, it suggests an obstacle and an additional and unforeseen effort, an unfavourable interruption to attaining an objective. The expression human factor is interpreted as a break in a code of conduct involuntarily provoked by an unnoticed error of the person responsible for its application. This tension towards the unforeseen and the unusual that arises from the coincidence of the two presents, due to its condition of existing in a constitutive ambiguity, an undeniable opportunity for reissuing the rules.